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A village full of girls

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After getting up, Nick and Jenny walk around in the village together.

Nick It's pretty nice here, isn't it?
I could get used to this place.

Jenny Yeah, it's a nice village, especially on a beautiful, sunny day like this.
This village is more lively today than ours ever has been.

Nick And the girls here are very cute, too.
Way cuter than the girls in our village.

Jenny is surprised how open he just talks about girls.
But then she remembers she's more like a buddy to him, even if they are pretty close for just friends.

She isn't mad at him. She knows, or she knew at least that she's not the feminine girl, who's popular with boys.
She's still a bit disappointed after being so close to him.

Jenny You think so? I didn't pay attention.

Jenny looks around while they keep walking.

Nick Of course you didn't. You're a girl yourself.

Jenny But you're right. Some of them look pretty cute.
So you think, I wouldn't date a girl?

Nick Why would you?

Jenny I think, I could. A bunch of people already mistake me for a boy anyway.
I'm not only more confident, I'm also good at talking.

Both of them laugh.

Nick So are you really considering it?

Jenny I don't know. Probably not. What about you?

Nick To be honest, I was thinking about it.

Jenny was hoping, he wouldn't want to date one.

Nick You don't look happy about that.
Do you think that's a bad idea?

Jenny No, I was just...

Nick It's probably better if I don't-

Jenny No, it's a good idea.
If you want something, you have to do something for it.

Nick I guess, you're right.
I just don't know how to start.
Maybe later.

Jenny Yeah, no need to rush.

They walk around in the village, take a few breaks at important spots like a nice fountain and some statue of a man carrying buckets of water.

After a while they see a nice coffee shop and decide to eat there.
There also are a lot of tables outside.

Jenny and Nick order some hot chocolate and a different piece of cake for each of them. Jenny also wants a shot of rum in her hot chocolate, and surprisingly this doesn't cause any problems despite her age.

While they are waiting, Nick notices a girl sitting down at the table next to them.
She's all alone.

Nick can't stop looking at her.
Jenny wondres where Nick is looking and notices that girl.

Jenny You like her, don't you?

Nick jumps up and looks back at Jenny.

Nick Uhm..., no? She's pretty cute, but-

Jenny Don't be scared. Just talk to her if you are interested.

Nick You really think that's a good idea? I have no idea, what I should say to her.

Jenny Just do some small talk. Or tell her, how you like her look. Girls normally like compliments.

At least Jenny would like to get a compliment once in a while.

Nick Okay, I'll try.

The girl isn't too far away, so Nick only leans towards her and opens his mouth, ready to say something. The girl doesn't notice him yet.

Then he turns back to Jenny.

Nick Uhm, Jenny, can you help?

Jenny Hey, you!

Jenny is loud enough, so the girl notices her and turns towards them.

The girl Me? What is it?

Jenny My buddy Nick wants to tell you something.

Nick Uhm...

The girl Oh, what is it?

Nick Hi! Uhm..., you're cute!

The girl Uhm, thanks...?

Jenny You look like you're lonely. Wanna join us on our table?

The girl No, it's fine. I don't want to bother a couple like you. I'm happy to eat alone.

Jenny Don't worry. We're not a couple. You won't bother us.

Nick Yeah, we didn't have any company for days, probably weeks. I'd really appreciate to talk to someone other than Jenny.

The girl gets up.

The girl Okay, if you insist on it...

She sits down at their table.

The girl I'm Sandra. So you are Nick and... Jenny. Did I get it right?

Jenny Yeah, you're right!

Sandra So you didn't talk to anyone for some time?

Nick Only to each other. And maybe once or twice to someone else, when asking for a place to sleep.

Sandra Have you been traveling?

Nick Yeah, you got it.
We were traveling from our village to this village through nature. Jenny convinced me to accompany her.

Sandra Cool! Sounds like a real adventure. I wouldn't dare to do this.

Jenny Nick also was scared first.

Nick I wasn't. I just-

Sandra So you're just friends, right?

Nick and Jenny smile at each other.

Nick Yeah...

Sandra Cool.

Soon a waitress brings them their orders and asks Sandra for her order.

Nick and Jenny already start eating and drinking.

Nick And you're from here?

Sandra Yes, I've been living in this village for my whole life. But of course I've been to places around, too. Which village are you from?

Jenny The one in the south from here.

Sandra Oh, that one. Isn't it pretty far away?

Jenny Yeah, why do you think we've been traveling for so long.

Sandra But I've been there. It's smaller than this place and feels much more rural. I liked it.

Nick You probably came for the straw festival. It's very popular.

Sandra Actually not. I had a friend there. But I've also been to the straw festival already.

The waitress comes again and brings Sandra her order.

Sandra Oh, thanks!

Sandra starts eating, too.

Sandra And you've been here already?

Nick Yeah, a few times with my family.

Jenny Same. We've never been here together, though.

Sandra Oh, in this case, you might want to check out...
Sorry, I forgot you're not a couple.

Jenny What are you talking about?

Sandra Just some romantic place.

Jenny I'm sure, Nick would like to go to such a place with someone like you.

Nick Hey, what are you talking about!

Sandra Are you trying to hook us up?

Jenny No...?

Nick Don't listen to her. But to be honest, it would really be nice to meet you in private. You're a cute girl, and you can tell me a lot about this village.

Sandra Oh, sure. What about this evening? I have a free house tonight.

Nick Really?

Sandra Sure, why not? You're nice, and also seem pretty interesting.

Nick Cool. So when do we meet? Should I come to your place?

Sandra Uhm..., I think it's better if I pick you up. So where do you stay?

Nick The inn close to the waterfall. You know that?

Sandra Of course. We don't have many inns close to waterfalls.

Sandra laughs.

Nick Cool, I'm looking forward to it.

Nick and Jenny already finished eating and drinking, so they get up.

Nick So bye, see you later!

Jenny Yeah, bye!

Sandra Bye, see you!

Jenny and Nick leave and walk through the village again.
They still have some time to look around.

Jenny So if you're having a date this evening, it should be fine if I have dates as well, right?

Now that Jenny says it out loud, he doesn't like the thought of her dating other guys.
But they are not a couple, and he's dating, too, so it should be fine.

Jenny Like I said before, I'd just like to see if I could get girls myself.
I'll just dress a bit more boyish than now, and they'll think I'm a boy, right?

Nick Oh, just girls? I guess that's fine. Sounds like a nice plan.

Jenny So you're fine with it?

Nick Yeah, of course.

Jenny Cool.

After walking a bit through the roads and buying some clothes, they decide to go back to their inn, where they get dressed for their dates.

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After spending their first night in the new village, they walk around and see a lot of good looking girls.
After a while they visit a coffee shop, where they meet another girl.

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