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A sexy night

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I'm lying in the bed with Ruby, and we're relaxing.
We've been staying in our room for the whole day, mostly in the bed looking into the big screen.
Besides watching movies and stuff, she also showed me music, art, photos, and even some pretty advanced games on that device.
It's really amazing. I start to understand the appeal of these things.

It's already getting late and I get some idea.

I Since I ruined your evening yesterday, I want to make up for it.

Ruby I already told you, it's fine. Just forget about it. I could also go alone anytime.

I Still, there is something I can do. It's nothing special, so...

Ruby Just get it out!

I You like sleeping naked, right?

Ruby Yeah, why? Do you want to sleep naked to do me a favor?

I What?!? No!

Ruby So why are you asking then?

I You are the one who wants to sleep naked, aren't you?
And I think, I'd be fine with that. I don't mind anymore.

Ruby And you're not just saying that since you want to admire my naked body?

Ruby smirks at me.
To be honest I really like to see her body naked.

I Don't worry. When I casually look at you while you change, I already get envious.
So I'm not really interested in that seeing you more than I need to.

Ruby Okay, in that case I'll gladly accept your offer and sleep naked this night.
I'd still prefer if you got naked, too.
You're a good looking person after all.

I Really? You're just saying that to make me feel comfortable, aren't you?

Ruby Why would I lie to you? Most girls in the city just look the same. They look very feminine, but almost artificial.
You don't.

I Yeah, I know I don't really look like a girl.

Ruby That's not what I was trying to get across.
You definitely look like a real girl. You're still feminine.
It's just a different kind of femininity, maybe a bit more subtle, but much more natural.
I like it.

I Thanks.
If you really think this way, I think I'm going to sleep naked, too.
As long as it's only around you, it should be fine.

Ruby I've already seen you while changing after all.

I Yeah...

Ruby gets naked first. She's really sexy as always.
I never watched her so closely.

Then I hesitantly take off my clothes, so I'm naked as well.
Ruby probably never really looked at my body before, so it's pretty embarrassing at first.

Ruby Nice, you don't even have pubic hair yet.

It's weird when she comments on my private parts.

I Yeah..., almost none.

I already have some pubic hair, but it's still not much and it has a light color, so it's not that obvious.

She already lies down on the bed and makes a sexy pose, highlighting her pussy. I can't look away.

Ruby You really like it, don't you?

I Yeah, you really look great.

Ruby I'm glad, you like my look. If you want, you can touch me there.

What did she just say? No, I wouldn't do that.

I Uhm..., no, that's weird.

Ruby I really like your little chubby belly. And your pussy also looks pretty soft.

I hide my pussy with my hands.

I Don't look so closely.

Ruby Just come in.

She holds a blanket above her, inviting me to join.
I lie down in the bed and we get under the blanket together.

I But don't think, I'll be happy to sleep like this every night.

Ruby No problem. I'm already glad you're joining me this night.

I It's nice when a beautiful girl like you is so friendly to me.

Ruby Of course! You're my friend after all.

I feel flattered.

I Thanks!

Ruby It's also nice to get such compliments by a friend.
You must really admire me, and I like that.

And I'm astonished about that.
But I really admire her. I'd probably do anything for her.

Ruby So, are you ready to sleep?

I nod eagerly.

Ruby So, have a good night!

She turns off the light. Lying naked next to a girl I like so much is pretty weird. I still can't believe such a sexy girl likes such an ugly girl like me.

Suddenly I feel something at my skin. Her arms want to enclose my body. She's trying to hug me. I just let her.

One of her hands is touching my breasts now, just below my nipple, while her other hand is pretty close to my pussy.
This is pretty weird and uncomfortable to me. But since it's her, I don't want to do anything against that.

She keeps her hands in place and they start feel pretty comfortable.
Spending the night lying next to her like this will be better than I expected.

When I wake up the next morning, she's still lying there like this.
I remove her arms from my body to get up, which causes her to wake up, too.

Ruby Oh, good morning!

I Good morning!

I'm happy to hear her voice again.

Ruby It looks like I'll be able to have a lot of fun with you, soon.

I What are you thinking about?

Ruby Oh, nothing specific. It's just an observation. Am I right?

I look at her showing her my confusion.

Ruby Nevermind, you don't have to answer.

I I'd always like to hear if you have some fun idea.
Just tell me and I'll probably try it.

Ruby smirks.

Ruby Nice!

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On a normal relaxing day, Frieda makes Ruby an offer to let her sleep naked as she likes to.
This causes them to get closer this night.

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