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Mira is lying in her bed when Elena visits her.

Elena Hey!

Mira Hey, what's up?

Elena Nothing, I just wanted to see you. How are you doing?

Mira I'm fine. I'm reading as always.

Elena Cool!

Mira Since you're already here, do you have any idea how long you've been living here already?
I don't remember it at all.

Elena I also don't know anymore, it must have been hundreds of years already.
I'm sure I'm already living here longer than you.

Mira Really? I was under the impression...

Elena I'm pretty sure about that.

Mira I'll ask Nera later. I'm sure, she remembers.

Elena Good idea.

Mira puts her book away. She lost interest anyway. She read that book often enough already.
Elena already looks like she's going to leave again.

Mira Oh, and do you remember anything about the places you lived before?

Elena Yeah, I've been living in four or five different places before. Probably a few hundred years at each of them.
Maybe I've been living at even more places I don't remember.

Mira Oh, you must really be old already.

Elena What about you?

Mira ...
I don't remember living anywhere else.
But I probably told you already.

Elena I don't remember.
But I was asking if you know anything about your age.
Do you know that?

Mira I'm not sure.
But I guess I'm also pretty old already.
You know my abilities, don't you?

Elena Fighting?

Mira gets up and starts to walk around on her hands.

Elena Oh, I've never seen you do this.

Mira I also can't remeber learning this. I just can do it when I want.

Mira laughs.

Elena But you do a lot of training, so it's not that unexpected.

Mira Yeah, maybe.

Elena But when you say you don't remember living on a different place, does that mean, you've been living here for a longer time? Or do you have memory issues.

Mira Both sounds reasonable.
But in any case, I must be really old.

Elena I'm sure you're right about that.
But I don't want to bother you any longer.

When Elena leaves, Mira gets up as well.

Mira I really have to ask Nera now. She must know who of us has been living here for longer.

Mira looks around for Nera, but she's nowhere to be found.
So she goes back to Elena.

Mira I haven't seen her all day.
Any idea where she might be?

Elena No idea. I also haven't seen her.

Mira Recently she didn't feel that good.
Sometimes she's really happy in one moment, and suddenly she doesn't even want to live anymore.
So I'm starting to get a bad feeling about it...

Elena Oh, to me she didn't really seem happy for some time already.
She probably just pretended to be happy.

Mira I think her feelings are real.
At least when she's around me, she's happy most of the time.

Elena Maybe happiness is not all you need in life?

Mira Do you think something is wrong with her?
She can't just die, can she?

Elena I never experienced that.
But I heard it's possible to get ill.

Mira Ill?

Elena This makes people feel bad and sometimes even die.
But it normally doesn't happen.
If someone is able to get ill, something is wrong with her in the first place.
So if Nera was able to be ill, she would have been ill already.

Mira So she's not just going to die, right?

Elena At least she won't die as long as she doesn't cause the death herself.

Mira Oh..., you think she would...?

Elena No, I don't. I'm sure she's just around the corner.
Let me help you look for her.

While they are searching for Nera, she just comes in.

Nera Hey, sorry. I've been outside. Were you looking for me?

She seems as happy as always.
Mira immediately gives her a hug.

Nera Is something wrong?

Mira No, everything is fine. I just thought something happened to you.

Nera No need to worry about me.
You're strong enough on your own.

Mira What are you talking about?

Nera Oh, nothing. I just think, you're a good fighter.
Sorry, I just like to think about our fights. Just forget about it.

Elena Uhm..., Mira, didn't you want to ask her something?

Mira Oh, you're right. Do you remember who lives here for longer? Me or Elena?

Nera We've been living here long before Elena came to this place.
I almost got eaten back then.

Mira Oh, you're right! I think I remember!

Nera I remember it well. I didn't have proper arms and legs for more than a year.

Mira Oh, we really went that far.

Nera Since then everything is different to me.
It felt like my life is finished.
Everything since then felt like a totally new life.
It's just weird. I still don't know how to explain it properly.
It's like a second life, and I didn't expect it.

Elena I think, I know that feeling.

Nera You do?

Elena Yeah, sometimes getting something you want doesn't feel earned.

Nera That's not exactly it. But that's also an interesting view on it.

Mira No idea what you're talking about, but since you think about fighting a lot, what do you think about having a fight now?

Nera Yeah, let's go, Mira!
This will be fun!

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It's a normal day, Mira and Elena spend some time together, when Mira starts to worry about Nera.
She hasn't seen Nera for some time and fears the worst.
Nera recently hasn't always be as happy as she seems.

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