Mira and Kaya just came back from a successful hunt.
They are relaxing in their respective rooms while their prey, Tara, is already locked away.
Despite not liking the idea of killing Tara, Mira is pretty happy how well it went.
After a while, Elena comes back.
Elena hears noises and then notices her gift in the cage.
Mira is already immersed in her book again. She wants to finish reading the paragraph. But she can't focus after hearing Elena calling, so she gets up and rushes towards her.
Mira gives Elena a hug.
Mira is already happy about that.
Mira smiles and gives Elena another hug.
Suddenly Kaya comes rushing over.
Tara is really listening to them. She isn't actually happy when her friend is suddenly betraying her.
She isn't mad at Mira, but disappointed.
Mira innocently looks at Elena.
Mira is pleased.
Elena gets the cage key and they go to the cage.
Elena hands Mira the key and Mira opens up.
Tara comes out of the cage and is now standing with the others.
Kaya takes out her knife, but Tara gets scared and runs away.
She doesn't get far, though.
Being tied up, she can't open the door.
Kaya follows Tara and tries to grab her tied hands, but Tara is all fidgety.
Tara calms down and Kaya cuts her ties.
Tara still seems scared, but she doesn't want to mess with Elena, who seems to have the most power here.
Everyone nods in agreement.
Mira smiles and can't hold back to give Elena another hug.
Kaya wanted to surprise Elena by bringing her a girl as food.
But Elena declines since she already prepared something herself.
So they let her free and Mira wants to become friends with her.