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Trust issues

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A few days ago, Elena moved in with Mira and Nera.
Kaya, who is also living there, doesn't know about that yet.
She's been traveling for the last days.

When she comes back she isn't happy about her new flatmate.
So she immediately has to talk to Mira and Nera.
She enters their room.
They are lying in their bed together and seem to have fun.

Kaya You know what I think about strangers visiting us.
In a quiet minute, she will likely kill us!

Mira I don't think-

Kaya This already happened to me and my friends!
Don't you remember?!?

Mira I remember. You told me.

Kaya I just had luck!

Mira I'll talk to Elena.

Mira gets up and leaves to talk to Elena.

Nera is already annoyed again, since Mira didn't put the blanket back on her.
She still doesn't have any limbs after all.

Soon Mira comes back with Elena.

Nera Hey, I'm naked! Why does everyone need to get in my room now!

Mira Oh, sorry.

Before Mira can react, Kaya just puts the blanket back on Nera.

Nera Thanks.

Elena I understand you, Kaya. If you don't trust me, I can also just leave.

Kaya That's not what I wanted.
They seem to trust you, but I'm just a bit skeptical.

Elena You know, I'm really not interested in eating them. Else I already would have.

Kaya looks towards Nera.

Nera And what happened to me was exclusively my idea.
Or rather my fault.

Kaya Hm, okay. I'll allow you to stay for now. But I won't trust you yet.

Elena That's a good start.

Kaya leaves again.

Kaya Come with me!

Elena Sure!

When they left, Mira and especially Nera are happy to be alone again.
Kaya and Elena sit down in the livingroom.

Elena You also like traveling, don't you?

Kaya I do. Why?

Elena We could also have some trips together.
Maybe some common activities will help you to trust me.

Kaya Yeah, you're right, we might do that.
But I'll take a knife with me, okay?

Elena Sure.

Kaya Nice.

Elena So would you like to go outside now?

Kaya Oh, why not?

Elena and Kaya get up and go outside.

When they walk along, Kaya is always ready to pull her knife.
Elena doesn't mind and just enjoys the time with Kaya.

After a while, Kaya starts to enjoy their trip together.
Most of the time she only travels alone.

Kaya To be honest, it's nice to have someone to accompany me.
Mira and Nera almost never want to join me on my trips.
Occasionally someone I visit accompanies me, but that's different.

Elena Yeah, I already realized that.
Mira and Nera really love to be at home.
I almost never see them leave the house.

Kaya So you like to go outside more often?

Elena Yeah, I even got to know a few of your neighbors already.
Linda seems pretty nice.

Kaya Yeah, she's a very good friend of mine.

Elena But I'm sure, Mira and Nera are still important to you.

Kaya Yeah, they are.

Elena smirks.

Elena I knew it! It's probably not obvious to others, but to me it is.

Kaya You know, I often leave for a longer time. More than a few days.
Would you like to join me on my longer journeys, too?

Elena I don't think so. I don't want to leave Mira and Nera alone for too long.

Kaya Oh, I get that. When I'm away for too long, I'm always scared about them, when I come back.
Normally they get along pretty well without me, I'm always surprised.
But still...

Elena But now that I'm here, I could also take care of them. So you could go on longer journeys if you want to. At least if you trust me by now.

Kaya Sure, I'd feel much more comfortable if someone like you would stay with them. Maybe I'll really go away further.
I always wanted to explore the whole valley.

Elena Sure, I wouldn't mind.
That's my chance to eat them

Kaya Hey, that's not funny!

Elena laughs.

Elena No, if I really want meat, I'll just go hunting.
But I probably don't need it anyway.

Kaya Oh, sounds nice. I haven't been hunting for some time.
Would you like to go hunting together?

Elena After these limbs I probably had enough meat for years.
But I'd be happy to go hunting once in a while.

Kaya Thanks. I'm already looking forward to that.

They keep walking for a while and go back home soon.

Elena I hope you aren't scared of me anymore.
I promise you don't need to.

Kaya Sure, I might be able to trust you.

From now on, Kaya locks her door when she goes to bed.

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When Kaya comes back after some trip, she isn't happy about their new guest.
She doesn't trust people. She might want to eat them.

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