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We're sitting on a little sand island.
Frederik and Penina are still recovering from all the excitement and are waiting for me to make progress.

I'm currently sitting around with my amulet trying to understand it.
What did I just do? I was able to push the other boat away and accelerate our own boat in the opposite direction.
Could I do this again? There is no other boat, but I could also push the sand away, right?

I try it and soon the sand below me is pushed away, causing a little sand wind and creating a small pit below me.

Frederik and Penina look at me and seem annoyed.
I must have hit them with sand.

Whatever. I have to focus.
I have to control the huge amount of energy inside the amulet.
So I try to push the sand down only a little. I also try to push the sand together to stabilize it. It works better than expected.
I just press it down without touching it, as if I was pushing sand to the ground using my hands, but without actually using them.
I'm very focused on the sand and just press it down.

Penina What are you doing there?

She seems fascinated. Did I do anything special.

Suddenly I fall down to the ground.
Does this mean it worked?
I must have been floating, so I fell down when I just lost focus.

It didn't feel like I was floating, though.
It felt more like pressing myself up the sand.

I Did you see? This might be useful, don't you think so?

Both of them nod, seeming hopeful.

Next I go towards the water and try the same. I'm able to cause small waves. Then I just push it together from all sides to form a stable hill and push the water down.
It's a bit more difficult than at the sand because it inevitably gets pushed down far enough to cause the surrounding water to flow down as well.
But by always switching which water I grab, I quickly manage to push myself up again, and I end up floating above the water.
It really isn't difficult. I just have to keep that flow of energy going constantly.

I remain floating above the water for a while even move away from the sand island for a bit.
Penina notices it and runs concerned closer to the water.

Penina Hey! Don't leave us!

Then I just come back.
I don't think, I will be able to move Penina and Frederik around while floating.

I I think, I got it. Let's enter the boat and we'll continue.

Frederik and Penina nod and we enter the boat together.
In the boat I should now be able to move it in a more controlled way.

I accelerate the water in the opposite direction we came from, so we accelerate away from the island.
I'm getting faster and faster.
After a while we cross another sand island, and then another and another and suddenly we crash one and our boat breaks into pieces.
Looks like I still don't have as much control as I would have liked.

Penina Well done! What now?

I Let me try something. I think I got it now.

I practice something using the planks of the boat.
Just like I can press things down, I can also just lift things up.
It's very easy to let the planks float. It's almost as easy as grabbing things myself.

And then I grab Frederik and let him float, too.
Frederik stuggles.

Frederik Hey, stop! I want to be on the ground again!

Penina just laughs at him.

So I let her float as well, which makes her feel scared.
But she tries to act as if she is having fun.

Now I push myself away from the ground, too. It's a bit difficult at first, but I get used to it quickly. With magic I just have an infinite amount of hands to grab others and push myself away from the ground.

We quickly float along the water.

Frederik Waaah...!

Penina Hui!!!

More sand islands can be seen, but I don't need to stop anymore.

The sand islands get more and more dense until the distance between them is so small, it's only sand dunes separated by rivers, which also get smaller and smaller until I find myself in the middle of a real desert.

Now I really start to feel exhausted, and so I let them down.
It also looks like I already used a considerable amount of energy already.
I don't want to waste more of it, so it's probably better if we walk from now on.

Penina and Frederik don't look very good. I think, they also prefer to walk.

So together we start walking through the desert, looking for anyone who could help us.

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After escaping the island, they are stranded on a small sand island.
They have to find a way to leave that island again. So Luka experiments with his magic amulet.

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