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The friend

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You're relaxing in your room, while mom is being visited by an old friend of hers.
They seem to have a lot of fun while talking in the living room.

Suddenly mom starts calling you.
You're a bit annoyed, but as the good girl you are, you immediately leave your room and go to them.
They are both sitting on the couch next to each other.

You What is it?

Mom Karl wanted to see you. Remember him?

You Not really.

Mom Yeah, it must have been a long time.

Karl She's a really cute girl now. So sexy.

Mom Please sit down between us.

You do as he says and just sit down between mom and her friend.
He puts his arm around you and pulls you towards him.

He seems nice.
You snuggle up against him.

Mom She really seems to like you.
Feel free to use her in any way you want.

You get a bit scared after this offer.
But you're sure he won't abuse his power.

Karl I know how to treat girls.
If I would have used you in any way I want, we probably woulnd't be friends now.

Mom But didn't you just...?

Karl starts to laugh.
He sounds friendly while laughing.

Karl puts his other hand on your tights.
Then he moves it between my legs and starts to rub you there.

Being caressed by a guy really feels nice.
You're not used to guys caring for your wellbeing first.
Normally they just use you like a tool.

Mom Karl, what you're doing would work better without the clothes.
Cutie, could you please get up and get naked?

You Of course. If Karl allows it...

Karl Yeah. It's not necessary, but I think, it would be more fun this way.

He moves his hand away and you get up, facing towards them.
Then you take off all of your clothes, while he and mom are eagerly watching you.

Normally you don't like getting naked in front of mom, but you really want Karl to see your naked body.

When you're naked, you keep standing like this in front of them.
Karl inspects your body with his eyes.

Karl She became a cute little slut. Just like you when we were young, Helena.
Come on, cutie! Come to me!

He points at his lap, so you climb onto it and embrace his neck.
He puts his one hand at your pussy and starts to scratch it gently.
When looking directly into his face, he gives you a kiss.
It's a bit wet, but still nice.

When you're done kissing, he grabs your head from behind and gently moves it back towards his face while opening his mouth.
He encloses your lips with his mouth and starts licking your lips, trying to stick his tongue into your mouth.

You obediently open your mouth, so he moves his tongue into your mouth until it's deep in your throat.
You can't move your head away and can just avoid gagging.

But such a intimate kiss is pretty nice nevertheless.
He must really like you. Sadly you don't remember your time with him when you were younger.

You also want please him as good as you can.
So you move your tongue, too, and lick around his tongue, which feels pretty slippery.
Then you try to put it into his mouth, but you don't get it in that deep.

When you realize you're slowly running out of air, he already lets go of your head.
You immediately move back your head and start to breathe in very deep.

Karl You're such a nice little girl.

You Thanks. Would you like me to...

Karl Get back on the couch and get comfortable.
I want you to have a special time with me.

You sit down next to him, turn to the side and lie down.
Your head is lying on his lap while your legs are drawn in, so you won't bother mom.

He starts to caress your head.
He also plays around in with your face, mostly putting his fingers into your mouth.
You start to open your mouth yourself when his fingers come close.
He also spits at your face once in a while.

Karl Hey, Helena. You could also give her a treat. What about massaging her feet?

Mom Her feet? Of course I'd do that. But shouldn't I rather please you?

Karl No, now it's time for your little slut.

Mom immediately grabs one of your feet and starts massaging it.
It feels pretty nice. She must have a lot of experience at that.

Karl plays around with your tongue. He takes it between his finger and pulls it out and lets it go again.

You just keep lying there letting everything happen.

He uses both hands to open your mouth wide and lets a big drop of spit slowly fall into your mouth.
It's just sitting there on your tongue slowly flowing into your throat.
Without being able to close your mouth, you can't really prevent it.

Karl Helena, you could also your tongue.

Mom nods and starts licking your feet. She licks from your heel up to just below your toes. It tickles a bit.

Then Karl puts multiple fingers deep into your throat making you gag.

Karl Looks like you didn't you train her well?
If she already has problems with my hand, how will she be able to handle my dick?

Mom She handles real dicks much better.
She's just not used to hands.
We skipped this step and trained her using real dicks very early on.

Karl Oh, she's a lucky girl.

Mom Yeah, when I was young, my dad didn't have much time and so mom also used her hand most of the time.

Karl I think, I'll just give it a try then.

You already get excited. It's always exciting to taste the dick of a new person for the first time.
You're sure, his dick will please your throat very well.

Karl lifts up your head and gets up himself, before he cautiously puts it back on the couch.
Then he gets naked behind you.
You look up, trying to watch him.

When he is naked, he kneels down above your head and presses his dick against your lips. It smells a bit, but that's okay.

Like a good girl you finally open your mouth wide and he puts his dick in very deep when starting to fuck your throat.

You don't move so it's easier for him.

Karl Helena, why don't you lick between her toes?

Mom Uhm... she wasn't prepared for this, so I doubt she cleaned her toes properly, and you know....

Karl Just do it!

Mom But...

Karl Don't worry. This won't be so bad. What I have in mind for you later is much worse.

Mom Okay, I guess you're right. If I can't even get through this...

Mom already seems excited.

She eagerly starts to lick your toes and regularly sticks her tongue between them.
Meanwhile his dick is still sliding in and out of your throat.
The movement is very smooth and his balls regularly bump into your forehead. You're enjoying this throat massage.

Being licked between your toes tickles very much.
You almost can't keep still anymore.
At least you start to fidget and sometimes accidentally kick your mom.
She just tries to keep licking for a while, but you instinctively move your feet away from her, which makes it even more difficult for her.
Hopefully you won't get punished for this.

Mom She always moves her legs away. And sometimes she even hits me.

Karl I like when you are hit by that little slut. You've really earned this.
Being hit by your own daughter must be a honor to you. This means you're doing a good job.
But I see how licking might be a problem now.
If you want, you can also lick her pussy instead.

You're scared. Will your mom really lick your pussy?
She never did that before. She's not just a regular family member. She's not even a guy. She's your mom.

Mom Her pussy? I don't think it's okay if a mom licks her daughter.

You're relieved. She probably views it the same way.

Karl Why isn't it okay? Did Walter forbid it?

Mom It's just not okay to do this. But I also don't think my husband would like it.

Karl Who is currently the only man in this house?

Mom You.

Karl So who makes the rules?

Mom You...

Karl So it is fine to lick her pussy. You understand!?!

Mom Sorry, you're totally right.

Karl But you can also try to lick her feet again.

Mom No, I'll lick your pussy.

Karl Good girl. I think you'll need a special treatment later. We have to refresh your obedience.

Mom Thanks, I'm really looking forward to that.

She immediately starts licking your pussy.
It's very weird to have your pussy licked by your own mom, but she's pretty good at it.
As a female herself, she probably knows how it feels best.

You really like Karl. He takes care of you so much.
He cares for your head and also makes your mom take care of your lower body.

Suddenly Karl stops moving his dick in and out. Instead he pushes it in deeper and deeper.
You can't breathe anymore.
Then he cums into your throat.

After a while he pulls it out and cum is flowing onto your face.
Before you can keep breathing again, you have to swallow it down.
Else you would have to choke from all the cum.

Karl sits down on the couch again and puts your head on his lap, just like before, where he continues caressing your head.

Mom stops licking your pussy.

Karl Did I tell you to stop?

Mom immediately continues.

Karl That was nice. I think we should repeat that.

You nod.

Karl Helena, you can stop now. It's time for your punishment after all.

Mom stops. She already seems excited.

Karl I'd really like to fuck your daughter one day. Does Walter still own her?

Mom Yeah. But if you treat me well, I think I can do something for you.

Karl Yeah, I'd really like to own a well trained cutie like her myself.

Mom Come on. Get up, cutie! Time to go back to your room.

You get up, ready to go back to your room.

Karl Don't you want to join us? I might need someone to help us.

Mom already looks annoyed.

You Really?

Karl Of course. If you don't mind some pain.

You eagerly nod and follow them, when they leave to go to her bedroom.

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An old friend is visiting your mom.
He wants you to spend time with them
He seems pretty nice and you have a nice time with him.
He lets your mom do nice things to you and you even get a throat massage by his dick.

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