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You got a new device, which behaves differently when you use it and when Rani uses it.
And now you're going to test how it behaves when more people try it.
You already got an idea.
You're male, she's female.
It behaved differently on both of you.
So it must be a gender detector.
A slightly complicated gender detector, but it might work like that.
Soon you reach your home, where your roommate Pipo is sitting at his computer.
You show him the device.
When he takes it, he seems pretty confused.
You explain what he should do. He turns it on and presses the right button. The left light glows.
He repeats it a few times, and just like when you did it, a different light starts to glow each time.
You hurry out and visit the neighbor girl. You almost never visit her but she's outside so it's not too weird.
You show it to her, so she can try it as well. She's still very young, so it takes a while until she understands it, but then it's the same result as for Rani.
That's enough! You immediately leave her and run back to Rani.
The neighbor girl stays behind and is confused now.
When you reach her repair shop, Rani isn't there anymore.
So you should enter her home instead.
You knock and Sali, a friend of her, opens.
You notice a weird smile on her face.
You get in and head towards the couch, where she's sitting.
Rani seems very upset.
Since Sali is interested, Rani relaxes again.
You explain it to her. She giggles a lot.
When she tries it, something unexpected happens. The light above the other button glows.
She does it again and the other button glows again.
You grab her skirt in order to lift it up. But she doesn't let you.
She does it again a few times, but this time, the light above the same button always glows after she presses one.
You leave them alone and go back home, where you prepare for the evening and relax.
After you found a mysterious device at the scrapyard, you want to check if it's a gender detector.